Swarovski crystals are a big seller here at Kandy Kane Castle Year Round. Yes, it's a crystal, it looks very glamorous and can easily catch someone's eye. But we are constantly asked what IS a Swarovski crystal? Well, I'm glad you asked...
This all begins with Daniel Swarovski, born on October 24, 1862, in Georgentahl, Bohemia. Now wait, before you bring out your atlas. Bohemia was, then, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was there that Daniel Swarovski's father owned a factory that cut crystal. As he grew he stayed very close to his father's business, and gained interest in electricity and wanted to invent something that could cut crystals
perfectly! After attending school at the First Electrical Exhibition in Vienna, in "1892 Swarovski took out a patent on his automatic cutting machine."

Because of the 19th and 20th centuries being a time that crystals were extremely popular for formal evening attire this made Swarovski's beginning very successful. It was only up hill from there, for the Swarovski family.
Take a look for yourselves at
Kandy Kane Castle Year Round. Go to our Quick Find option and type in "Swarovski" and you'll see what we're talking about. That was your history lesson for the day. Class dismissed!